How to Create Your Own Membership Site for Internet Marketers

Craig Galloway
11 min readJan 20, 2022

How to Create Your Own Membership Site for Internet Marketers

Do you have a skill you can teach to others that will improve their lives and enable them to make more money? If so, then it may be worth considering creating your own paid membership site where you provide video or audio training on that skill.

The best part about this approach, of course, is the fact that once you have an established membership site, there’s not much else involved in terms of time investment once you get going — you can make money month after month as long as you keep up with the marketing side of things.

Why Can You Earn Money with Paid Membership Sites?

If you’re ready to earn money online with your own membership site, you’ve come to a great place. In fact, membership sites are one of my favorite ways of making money online… that and selling ebooks. In order to create your own membership site, you first need to understand why they’re so profitable, and why they work so well.

In addition… because there is plenty of interest in paid membership sites. So much so that just about every day someone asks us: What do I have to do if I want to start a paid membership site?. So we decided it was time we wrote an article on how to do just that!

Because paid membership sites are such a hot topic, we also decided it would be helpful if we added some extra details on running your membership site as a business and how exactly you can make money from them…

This means everything we write here will include two key elements:
1) how to get started right away
2) how to make sure it works out as a long-term investment!

However, before we get into all of that stuff let’s take a quick look at what exactly those sites are and how they work. We’ll do our best to keep things simple so everyone understands what is going on.

Finding a Theme

When you’re starting a membership site, one of your first challenges is going to be choosing a theme. Your membership site will attract people who have specific interests, so it’s important that you find a niche that can support such an environment.

For example, if you’re interested in cooking, then you might want to start a membership site specifically for vegetarians or vegans. As long as there are enough veggies out there who are willing to pay a monthly fee to join, you should have no problem building a successful business.

And since most membership sites work best when they offer some type of continuing service (such as regular e-mail newsletters and webinars), stick with ideas that allow you to interact with your customers regularly.

A community bulletin board is also a great idea because most new businesses struggle after just six months — but communities usually grow stronger over time as members get more invested in each other and their conversations.

A good theme can become an ongoing source of income for years down the road!

Can I Use Free Website Builder Software: Yes you can use free website builder software like WordPress but I would still advise using paid themes and hosting.

While many people start small without any problems (usually because their interest has dwindled by then) a quality template goes far beyond having lots of bells and whistles–it adds stability, security, longevity/staying power AND makes sure search engines index everything properly.

It’s less work too since well made templates come packed with tons of little extras like content pages, gallery sections, footer widgets etc., meaning all you need to do is choose what you like and plug it into your page rather than waste hours writing code.

Joining An Affiliate Program

Affiliate programs are another way internet marketers can make a passive income. An affiliate program will allow you to recommend products from another company and get paid when a visitor clicks on that link and makes a purchase. Affiliate marketing is perfect for beginners because it’s low-cost, easy-to-use, and even more effective when used in conjunction with social media.

If you want to start your own membership site online as an internet marketer, then joining an affiliate program is one of the best ways to do so. In addition to getting paid recurring commissions (which typically ranges between 15% and 30%), many companies will also pay its affiliates upwards of $1,000 per sale!

That means that if you sell just one person something that costs $500 during your first month as an affiliate marketer, you could potentially take home an extra $300 just like that — no big deal right?
But if your goal is instead just to build traffic or collect leads for your business while making decent money on top of it all then join an affiliate program today! As you’ll see later on having referrals coming in from reputable sources will definitely increase your overall sales.

I recommend setting up an account at ClickBank before creating any kind of new product or service; they offer competitive rates, great commission structures and one of my favorite affiliate dashboards I’ve ever used — it’s really user friendly too! There are over 100,000 affiliates using ClickBank to promote digital downloads every single day; give it try today. It’s free to sign up! Note: This isn’t a get rich quick strategy by any means — but rather a methodical process of growing slowly over time into larger profits that eventually compound into massive earnings potential.

Start small and work hard, especially when it comes to gaining social proof. Make sure you include testimonials from other users — video or written testimonials — because visitors love reading them.

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Building Authority

Authority is one of those concepts that’s tossed around in internet marketing circles quite a bit. The idea behind building authority is that if you build your reputation and prove that you are an expert in your field, people will be more likely to trust your recommendations, or buy what you’re selling.

There are many ways you can do all of these things, but today I want to focus on creating a membership site (or membership site). With a membership site, you have recurring income every month from members who subscribe. That’s because they can only access your information through joining or renewing their subscription.

Even better? You don’t have to sell anything — you just provide valuable content regularly, enough value where people would pay money not just for regular updates but also so they don’t miss anything important!
If that sounds interesting to you, keep reading.

Here’s how to create your own paid membership site! It’s simple: Once you decide to make a paid membership site, there are some steps to follow:

First, come up with an idea for it — remember there’s no right or wrong way to go about doing it; it doesn’t need to make sense; It doesn’t even need to make cents — any topic could potentially become profitable through its structure as long as other crucial elements are in place.
Secondly a question you should consider asking yourself is:
Who do I know/ what group am I most familiar with? Do some research online on any forums in that industry and see if they have any private groups.

Creating A Great Website

Before you can create a membership site, it’s a good idea to build your own personal website — and not just because I say so. If you want your online community to take off, people need a reason to visit your site.

For members of your new community, your website will serve as their go-to source for information and help; if it’s helpful and interesting enough, they may even be inspired to become paying members. So, if you don’t have a dedicated website set up already, stop reading right now and get cracking on that. (If you do have an existing site that fits both criteria — good content and looks professional — you can skip ahead)

If you’re still with me, we can start building! Let’s begin…

Once you have built your membership website, it’s time to set things up so other people can pay money to access it. The tricky part here is setting everything up through hosting companies like Bluehost or A2 Hosting (like most folks out there).

Why? Because once you set things up through those services, there are extra charges that aren’t obvious at first glance — unless someone tells you about them in advance. The setup fee is relatively low in the first year, but then later there’s a fee per month which ends up costing far more than the low first-year fees that they lure you in with. Prices the second year, once you are in, usually rise.
You should be aware of that.

Promoting Yourself And Building Links

You may be asking, Why do I need a website if my content is on other sites?
The answer is simple: you should build your own website even if you have content on other people’s websites.


Well, let me put it in perspective: SEO folks have said that Google will give more weight (aka higher rank) to inbound links than it does to regular outbound links. If you have content on 100 different sites, but don’t have your own site where each piece of original content lives…then Google can’t easily see those pages are connected with one another!

So all those external links that link back to you don’t count for as much as they could. This means having your own site could be hugely valuable from an SEO standpoint because then Google can easily tell which web pages are related and can rank them better.

Also, chances are that eventually your favorite publisher/blogger/site owner isn’t going to be happy with you just reposting his/her content without credit. And when that happens (or when they inevitably get tired of blogging themselves), so goes their willingness to keep linking back to you!

Get Creative To Drive Traffic To Your Site

There are three ways that you can drive traffic to your membership site:
(1) SEO (search engine optimization),
(2) Pay-Per-Click Ads, and
(3) Word of Mouth.

When it comes to SEO and Pay-Per-Click Ads, it’s all about creating a keyword strategy. Although building links and social media engagement plays a big role in attracting search engine traffic, choosing a niche and optimizing your website with keywords is equally important.

As far as Word of Mouth, when other marketers promote your work and send their members to visit your site without asking them for anything in return; you gain new members with no additional effort.

While these aren’t all inclusive methods for driving traffic to your site, they will help get you started on a profitable online business quickly.

In addition, one thing that all internet marketers have in common is email lists.
The key to having success promoting an affiliate program or digital product through an email list is trust.

Trust between a brand and their subscriber should be prioritized above monetary gains every time. Getting someone’s email address in exchange for free valuable content will never go out of style!

A few things that worked for me was using Pinterest to attract new customers. It was very easy for me because I am not artistically inclined so I just pinned marketing and networking photos from pixabay and just commented below them saying something like want to learn about affilate marketing.. Where did you find those? Let me know if interested in joining my group.

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Who Will Pay For Memberships?

If you’re trying to figure out who will pay for your membership site, begin by looking at your target market. Do any of these groups share an affinity?

If so, chances are they might be willing to pay for a membership that caters specifically to their needs. For example, if you’re targeting internet marketers and social media consultants — who often work together — you could create a membership site targeted specifically towards collaboration and joint ventures.

Who else might be interested in such a resource? Look within! Perhaps some consultants would like a resource that helps them find clients — or new employees can benefit from access to such material as well.

What Will Be Included?: You don’t need to include everything under one umbrella — but it does help to think about what resources each group or category of members might want. Ask yourself: what resources or tools do my customers need on a regular basis?

What sorts of materials are most valuable to them? How can I make it easier for people to use those materials day-to-day (and make more money)?

The answers here should give you some ideas on how best to organize your content and platform. Remember, though: keep things simple . . . especially in the beginning.

Start with just two or three levels of access, and build up from there as necessary.

Pricing & Fees:

Once you know exactly what level of access your members will have available to them, determine whether membership is free — i.e., open to anyone, but with limited availability — or whether it costs money, either through monthly fees or lump sum payments upfront.

Is It Worthwhile?

Successful Internet marketers can now make money online by using membership sites, where visitors pay a monthly subscription fee in exchange for access to exclusive members-only content. This content can be as simple as an exclusive forum or as elaborate as videos and lessons. As long as you make it worth your members’ while, you should find success with paid membership sites.

Here are some steps to get started:
Before You Begin:
Before you even think about diving into building your site, keep these things in mind: You need a great idea. If no one wants what you have to offer through membership (and they will have no reason to join if it isn’t valuable), then you aren’t going to make any money. Marketing is crucial — which means having cash on hand (or credit) when launching is key.
Memberships are paid monthly or yearly and shouldn’t cost more than a customer can afford to spend; if you price too high, people won’t sign up.

Start with an idea that relates to something that interests people. For example, digital photography is something many people are interested in learning more about; teaching them digital photography through a membership website could be successful.

Or try creating an online community where members share ideas and advice on growing their business online.

Never Give Up!

You’re going to fail. You’re going to struggle. You’re going to cry and you might want to quit — but never give up. I know there are times when all you can do is throw your hands up in despair but believe me if you keep at it, things will change — slowly and surely.

The Ultimate advice I can give you is? Don’t give up! Persistence and patience really do pay off. So what are you waiting for?

There’s nothing holding you back so go forth and put things in action today and conquer! Go forth and get yourself heard!

And if you have questions along the way, don’t be afraid to ask in the GrowBizLeads Facebook group at



Craig Galloway

I am the owner of and that are an online websites related to Really Useful software reviews and growing your business online